Thursday, November 21, 2019

Systems Project Management Approach Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Systems Project Management Approach - Essay Example It happens separate from business as usual and the management of projects is normally separate. Project management therefore requires the managers and their teams to develop distinct technical skills and management strategies (Project management institute, 2000). Some of the main challenges include scope, time, quality and budget. While other ones that can come in secondary include optimizing the allocation of necessary inputs and integrates them to meet the objectives (Wheeler, 2000). Organizational Situation The project in question is called Versace. It involves 9 Customer requests. The project is for a global brand management company which has customers located all over the world. Flow of work in the company is illustrated in Figure 3. Customer contacts Administrator by email or phone requesting label design to be created. Then Administrator summarizes Customer request and then passes over to an Artist. After Artist created label design he then passes over the design to Quality Co ntrol Department who evaluates the label design and checks if Customer brief been followed. If Artist made a mistake then QD (Quality Department) sends label back to an Artist to get it amended and if label is correct then it is being transferred back to Administrator. Administrator then checks the design to make sure it is correct and if it is wrong she then sends it back to Artist and if it is correct then she adds costs and sends design over to Customer. After Customer received the design he then evaluates and checks if brief been followed. For this project as many other projects within the company Right First Time (RFT) is very low as customer majority of times adds additional request and workflow is being repeated as many times as customer sends additional changes. It is important to note that each project for each action has set timelines as per below Figure 1 however customer demands for designs to be delivered quicker then set deadlines. Figure 1 - Set Action Timelines 1st A ction (A) 3 Days 2nd Action (B) 2 Days 3rd Action (C) 2 Days 4th Action (D) 2 Days 5th Action (E) 2 Days Figure 2 reflects actual times each action taken for specific number of label designs- Versace. Figure 2 Action Number of Labels Days taken to complete Right First Time % A 1 3 11.1% B 2 4 22.2% C 4 5 44.4% D 1 6 11.1% E 1 7 11.1% Figure 3 - Flow of Work - Versace Systems Project Management Approach The lean systems management approach was chosen due to the fact that lean system methodology regards to project management that all tasks need to serve the purpose of the customer as efficiently as possible (Atkinson, 2006). As outlined above all tasks for the project are in place to serve customer request. Critical discussion on why lean system project management was used Versace project can be described as dynamic and unpredictable as customer requested for extra changes to be done and demanded for timelines to be reduced for actions B/C/D/E. This was not foreseen prior project star ting (Leach, 2005). This therefore increased the duration of the project which affects interaction between activities and resources in ways that are not considered in the traditional methods of project management (Koskela, 2002). The reduction of time for the project actions therefore

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